In an exciting PillBot demo, Endiatx Chief Engineer Quentin Caron leads technology, while CEO Torrey Smith “swallows an AI-enabled micro-robot”.
PillBot is the world’s first virtual endoscope. In an exciting PillBot demo, CEO Torrey Smith “swallows a micro-robot”, while Chief Engineer Quentin Caron expertly manages the technology. See PillBot, a revolutionary ingestible micro-robot, motor throughout the human stomach.
An AI-enabled engineering marvel, PillBot multi-axis pumpjets beam back real-time data and imagery of the human stomach. PillBot transforms diagnostics and replaces more invasive procedures. Endiatx has patents for PillSurgeon and MicroSurgeon that enable potential robotic surgery in additional body areas like the heart, liver and brain. PillBot is in successful Clinical Trials in New Zealand, with FDA approval expected in 2025.